Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Break

After watching The Incredibles the boys always end up play fighting the air or the TV.

Who watches a movie on the couch anymore. This is the new cool place to watch.

We went to the Rodeo. We always do all the free stuff. The boys thought the trackers were the best part. They would have played on them all day if they did not have to share with other kids.

They had a butterfly exhibit. This was the only not free thing we did. There were so many that they would just come and land on you. Amy had 2 that stayed on her hand the whole time we were in there.

We even got one to sit on Rozi's head. You like her truck hat. That is what you get when I don't have any girl stuff and her mommy didn't send one. You get to use cute little boy stuff.

Zack and his butterfly.

Drew really wanted to touch it. He really likes to touch bugs.

More tractors to play on.

Drew was to short to reach the udder so he climbed up under the cow.

Zack milking the cow.

Amy feeding Rozi and helping both Drew and Zack plant and water their carrot seeds.

Zack planting.

Boys getting ready to farm.

Zack petting the lambs in the petting zoo.

Drew petting a sheep in the petting zoo.

Getting our second fish tank up and running.

Matt getting Drew to say "Man". Drew can not say superman, spider man, or batman. So he just says "Man".

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