Friday, March 12, 2010

Fun at our zoo

What a sad face. I was at work, Matt was cleaning our bedroom closet, and the boys were playing on the bed. Zack was jumping around and threw all of our pillows into a pile on the floor. At some point, Drew decided to test out the pile. I guess it was not as soft as he thought it would be.

Zack sleeping on the pile of pillows.

Matt posted earlier about running 26 miles around the track. I took the boys over after breakfast in the bike trailer. I had brought the croquet set and a soccer ball along for the boys to play with. Zack wanted to play with the croquet ball and this is what he did with them. I was very impressed. It was not the easiest thing to get them to balance on the tops of those bolts.

So happy to be at the park.

Drew's first time in the swing by himself.

Is this a cat tower or a kid tower? Zack thinks it is cool that he can climb to the top and is watching a movie.

All 13.

Mr. Trouble. Drew tries to get into everything. Zack will take the cushions off the couch to jump on. This makes the couch the right height for Drew to crawl up. Then Drew can get to the laptop.

Drew thinking he is so cool sitting on the couch.

Fun for both. Zack loves climbing on the higher ones and Drew loves playing on the lower ones.

Zack and the couch cushions.

Drew giggling at the camera.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Drew's combover in the laptop picture is awesome.