Friday, March 12, 2010

Crawling and more

What a big baby. Oh wait that is the 2 year old. One day when I went to get Drew out of bed I put Zack in with him. The next time Zack came up with me he thought he needed to get in again and was not willing to go when we were. So Drew and I left him to play in the crib.

Zack with his skeleton jacket and Astros hat and the most important toy- his 'woo woo block' (which is a Peekaboo block that has a train inside and he ALWAYS needs it).

Drew crawling up the first stair. It has started; he is super mobile.

We were waiting for Rose and Carl to come pick us up so we could take them to the airport. I had the car seats in the house so they would be ready when they came. Drew and Zack decided that it would be fun to watch TV in them.

Zack being ornery because I would not give him the camera. Matt and I have decided that for his birthday he is getting his own.

Missy trying to get Zack's balloon. Sometimes she would get the string and pull it across the room. It was pretty funny.

Drew and a basket of toys.

Rub a dub dub
Two boys in a tub.

Drew, Chloe, and I in front of the flags on a very windy day. Texas is the only state that flies their state flag at the same height as the American flag. As long as the US flag is on the left, it doesn't matter. But it seems as though Texas is the only one who actually does this (as the state flag is everywhere- quite literally).

Drew and the cat food.

Drew crawling.
Drew playing in the cat food.

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