Monday, September 28, 2009

Chuck E Cheese

We decided to take the boys to Chuck E Cheese for a night of fun. Zack had a blast even though he was too distracted to play many of the games. There were way too many lights and kids around for him to play on one game for too long. He did enjoy throwing the ball, even though he couldn't roll it into the target. He did walk all the way up to the target once, but the weight sensors detected him and stopped counting points. Luckily for us, one of the games was broken and it just kept giving you balls and tickets without us having to insert any tokens.

Zack demonstrating the "correct" way to throw a skee ball.

Zack racing a car. He raced for about 30 seconds and then was ready to go and play something else. I let a little boy finish Zack's game.

Zack getting all the tickets mommy was winning.

Look at all the tickets we won. With the tickets, we got Zack a stuffed football and a crazy straw.

Zack playing with the balls

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