Monday, August 23, 2010

Houston Zoo

We decided to visit the Houston zoo for the first time since we moved here more than 5 years ago. Here is T-Rex and you would have thought my boys would have loved him. And maybe they would have if he did not move and roar at them.

Matt and a crying Drew in front of T-Rex

Zack refusing to walk past the dinosaur. He had not let up till we took him to see the dinosaurs. Then he was too scared to go near them even though Amy promised him they were not real.

Drew playing behind a bench.

Holy horns. How can they even walk with those on their heads?

Zack and Drew playing on an elephant.

A baby elephant

Zack was more distracted by another little boy's car stroller and did not care about the giraffe.


Drew playing with everything that he is not supposed to

Drew having fun crawling around the little tunnels they have there for the kids to climb through

Drew just followed some kids through the tunnel while Zack refused to go through even after he saw Drew do it.

The boys riding the dinosaur at the Zoo entrance

1 comment:

Allen Family said...

Looks like you had a great time at the zoo. Keep the blog posts coming we love to see them.