Monday, August 23, 2010

Camping at Brazos Bend

Drew has to climb up everything. He is one talented little boy.

Zack swinging super fast

This was our first time using our dutch oven that Josh and Xan gave us two Christmases ago. Amy made peach cobbler. It was really good.

Zack and Drew trying to catch the smoke

Drew being silly and Zack having a nap

Drew checking to see if Zack was sleeping

Some of the beautiful nature we saw

Nap time. Looks like they are having a "good one."

It was over 100 degrees each day. That would not have been that bad if they had somewhere for you to swim (without alligators). Good thing we thought to bring the baby pool. It was great to sit in and cool off.

Our camp site

One of the alligators we saw

Amy and Drew petting a milk snake in the nature center. The nature center had a/c, so we spent about a half hour in there cooling down.

Zack would have nothing to do with the baby gator. But Drew pet the baby alligator in the nature canter.

An alligator we found on the path

Another alligator we found

Zack looking at an alligator we found in front of a tree

Close up of the alligator Zack is looking at

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