Amy and the boys went to Walgreens the day after Halloween to get discounted decorations. Amy found a batman costume that was size 5-7. So Amy figure that we would save it for another year. Zack decided he needed to wear it and refused even to take it off for bed.
Amy and Zack and Drew. Zack was Thomas the tank engine and Drew was James. Zack's Thomas was missing it's hat so he wore Drew's James hat. Drew did not care. Zack also had a Thomas the train trick or treat bucket.
We forgot to take pictures before trick or treating. So at 9 right before bed we took their pictures. Drew was so tired.
Our pumpkins. Matt did the smiley face and Amy carved the skeleton.
The boys really liked it when we put candles in the pumpkins.
Drew pulling the guts out of the pumpkin. Zack did not want to.
Last year at Walgreens we found thesereally cool things. They are on stakes that you just push into the pumpkins. The boys thought they were really cool.
Count Mickey.
Drew and most of our pumpkins.
Zack and Drew both ended up sick. Drew getting the worst of it. So for a week we did not do much more then sleep on the couch.
We took Rozi with us to the pumpkin patch. The boys had fun picking up and seeing all the pumpkins.
Drew was pointing to an airplane that was passing over head.
Matt is running as much as ever. His goal is to never take a day off running ever again. He is looking forward to the end of school and the joys of being off and staying home with the family.
Amy is working and taking care of the kids. She has recently found out the joys of making stuff out of wood. She has come up with a few projects for things around the house.
Zack is loving school and all the learning he is doing. He can almost read a whole level one reader by himself. He does great with his sight words but has also learned how to sound out words as long as they are 3-4 letters long.
Drew misses Zack when he is at school but also enjoys being the boss when he is not around. Drew and Lena play together all the time and get along great most the time.
Lena is getting so big. She tries to do everything her brothers do. She climbs and jumps on everything she can. She is a big helper. She will get things and put stuff away for you.
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