Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Year in review Nov-Dec 2012 andJan 2013

Look who thinks she is big enough to climb everywhere.

Painting Santa ornaments.

Iron man watching TV.

Someone loves her daddy.

Sporting their Spring Fire Department beanies.

Painting their shelves Matt was building for them.

It may be a couple days before Thanksgiving but still warm enough to play in the sprinkler.

Early Christmas with the Allens via skype.

Watching Christmas movies with a couple of the cats.

Why do you need a cape when you can just use your shirt.

Lena climbed in all on her own.

Drew was a little tired.

Lena loves her Tornado.

Lena let Amy do her hair for the second day in a row.

The coolest place to play.

One little monkey jumping on the couch.

Waiting for Santa to come by on the fire truck.

Amy's first artificial tree.  A $200 tree for only $20 on craigslist.

Silly girl loves to climb on and in everything.

All the kids Christmas art projects.

Santa came to our house.

The boys got 8 super hero masks each.

Grandma Allen made the boys super hero dolls just like them.

Lena got her first tutu and a princess doll from Grandma Allen.

The kids got lots of great books from both sets of Grandparents.

Tutu, princess doll, and a kitty.  Who can ask for more?

Santa made bow and arrows for the kids.

Lena got a princess crown for every Disney princess.

Stick horses for boys.

Lena got a purse.

The boys got super hero ornaments and Lena got princess ornaments.

Iron man

The flash

Spider man

More super hero stuff.

Went to Walgreen's for their after Christmas sale and got this $80 tree for $20.

The boys love their tree in their room.

Reading some of the books they got for Christmas.

Matt had a 100 K race just outside San Antonio.  The kids loved sleeping and playing in the back of the van.

Playing while waiting for Matt to get to the aid station.

Tuckered out from all the playing and running around.

Naked water bottles are the best toys.

Matt coming into a aid station. Yes it's January. Yes it's warm (high 60's). And it was also humid. Plus I wanted to show off my body.

Who wants to hold a flash light when you can wear a head lamp.

You would not think a pole could be so much fun.

Monster Jam.

Iron man was there.

Lena was getting tired.

Captain America was there also.

The boys stayed up late watching fireworks on New Years Eve.  They fell asleep in front of their window.

Baby flash

Little sisters are great toys.

Doing hand stands in the hall.

Lena climbs on everything.

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