Sunday, November 13, 2011

Halloween and Turkey Trot

Matt and his runners. Matt's school district every year puts on a race called the turkey trot. For the last 4 years Matt has run. The boys really like all of Matt's medals. So this year we decided to enter the boys so they could get their own medals. They were both excited to run and get a medal. But at the last minute Drew decided not to run. So Zack ran with all the other kids entered in the 6 and under age group. Zack ran the whole 1/2 mile by himself. We were both very proud of him. Drew still got his medal since we payed his entrance fee. Maybe next year Drew will decide to run.

Showing Matt their medals.

The boys and their medals.

Zack and his medal.

Zack crossing the finish line to get his medal.

The boys ready to start.

Madelena was a cow for Halloween.

Zack was batman and Drew was superman for Halloween. They put their costumes together themselves.

Start of the race.
The boys and their medals.

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