Friday, January 22, 2010

Christmas Day

My mom sent us all some Christmas PJ's. So of course we had to wear them (except Matt). He is wearing the warm up pants that Rose and Carl gave him.

Zack being a tunnel for Drew's animal train.

Mommy trying to teach Zack how to ride his trike.

Zack showing off all of the Buzz stuff he got. He is wearing his Buzz underwear also.

Zack playing in the tent that Grandma and Grandpa Zmolek gave him.

Drew playing with the bunny that Grandma and Grandpa Zmolek gave him.

Me showing off the frog that mom and dad Zmolek gave me.

The great piano books my sister Jen gave me. Hopefully the boys will let me practice so I can try and relearn how to play.

Zack and the great Geotrax expansion set my mom gave the boys. All three of them love it.

Drew with some of his toys.

Zack checking out the great game he got from Aunt Jami. He is now in love with playing games. All he does everyday is ask to play. We even had to go out and buy some more because we were tired of playing the same 4 games over and over.

Drew with his elephant.

Since most of Zack's presents were big, we let him help Drew open his. (As if we really had a choice in this.)

This tool set was one of his favorite gifts. But how can you beat a drill that makes sound and turns like a real drill?

Drew on his bounce and spin zebra. He has a little growing to do to work it. He still loves to sit on it and have mommy bounce him.

Drew ready for presents.

After Zack found his gifts, we moved the couch so he could play with them better.

Zack climbing over the couch to get to his gifts. Zack was up at 5:30 to go potty. We then let him hangout in our bed. After about 30 minutes of him tossing and turning, I asked him if he wanted mommy to go upstairs to his room with him. He said "yes". So we went upstairs to sleep in his bed. When we got to his room, he decided that he wanted to be in his room, but he also wanted to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So I went and got the laptop so we could watch in his room. He watched Mickey Mouse while I dozed in and out. He then decided that at 7, since he could hear Drew, it was time to go downstairs again. We went straight into our room to wake up daddy. I put Drew on the bed and Zack decided that he was ready for milk. So we went out to the kitchen. On our way past the living room he saw the gifts. Zack got the biggest smile on his face, ran over to the couch, took a look at it all, and climbed over.

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