Friday, December 18, 2009

Fun with the boys

The boys playing in the garage while Matt worked on putting up my birthday present (which was shelving for the garage). I had gone to get my haircut.

Zack wearing my work shoes

My Mickey Mouse-aholics. They love watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on the laptop. Since we don't have TV, we just watch our shows on the internet.

This is one of Zack's favorite places to play.

Drew loves to jump. Even when he sits in his intelitainer he tries to jump.

The boys in our bed. When Drew wakes up, I bring him down and he plays with toys in our bed while his bottle warms. Then Zack comes down. He is wet sometimes. He cannot make it through the night without an accident sometimes. So after putting dry underwear on him, I put him in our bed to stay warm while I get him clean pants.

Drew was so tired that he just fell asleep on the couch.

They boys chilling and watching a movie together.

Pictures by Zack. They are of his face.

Train buddies. They are both the biggest Geotrax fans. They both love to just sit there and watch the trains go around in circles. There are two trains, so both of them have a remote control. Drew does not really know how to make it go and stop. He does love to hold the remote and chew on it. Sometimes he unknowingly makes his train stop and as Zack doesn't always pay attention, the two crash sometimes.

Apparently we have been wearing our shirts the wrong way. This is the real way that you are supposed to wear them.Zack loves to talk on the phone. He was playing with Matt's phone and called me. (Speed dialing is good sometimes.) So we talked for a little while. Zack still does not realize that you cannot see what he is showing you. He will hold things up to the phone for you to see

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